
 Two Questions For You

Looking back, have you missed opportunities to pause and reflect on important events in your life?

Have you ever wanted to recognize an occasion in a special way, but did not know how?

Most people have answered “Yes” to at least one of those questions.


Mark Thompson - Womb To Tomb Ceremony SpecialistLife offers us many moments to honor and commemorate, but these moments are often overlooked or under appreciated. So many moments in life pass us by; they blow through like the wind. Life’s milestones, from cradle to grave, deserve to be recognized and celebrated in a unique and personal way.

We have a need for ritual and connection, especially at times of change. Ceremony helps us embrace the stages of our lives in a positive and exciting way, recognizing and witnessing our new identities. In creating and experiencing personal ritual, you can find strength and comfort in your life, gain perspective, and move deliberately into your future. Through ceremonies, you and your guests connect with the message of the event, and it will have genuine and lasting impact on your community and relationships.

Rituals, traditions, and ceremonies are as old as humanity itself, but are even more needed in a society that thirsts for connection and commemoration. Changes and transitions happen in life whether we mark them with ceremony or not. Meaningful ceremonies can help ease these changes by acknowledging the difficulty in separating from a past status, by easing the transition to a new status, and by publically acknowledging how this changed status affects the individual and the community.

Ritual and ceremony provide us with guidance in making changes and also affect the change itself.

Rituals are our way of honoring life passages. Celebrating these events connects us to our spiritual side and brings us together as a community. Ceremonies can help us acknowledge the richness of our lives and the complexity of our many relationships.

Making a conscious choice to acknowledge our rites of passage eases the transition and diminishes the strangeness that rises up to meet us at each new crossroad.

Ceremony can help ease transitions and allow us to take stock of our lives in ways that are deeply meaningful to us and others.

Recognizing and marking our milestone moments with ritual and ceremony bonds us and joyfully moves us forward on our journey.

I am a strong believer in creating ritual that feels meaningful and real, and that tradition can be a springboard for creativity.

I am honored to join you in all your life celebrations and rituals. I look forward to hearing from you and creating your ceremony exactly as you envision it!

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